Discover Match Crowd — Your guide through the job jungle.

Our mission? To revolutionize the job search. Still in the early stages of our open beta phase, but with a clear vision: matchmaking that takes your personality into account. We combine technology with insights into values and ambitions to find you not just a job, but your vocation. Join us on our journey to redefine the job search — efficient, fair and tailored to you.

Our journey began with a challenge.

In the midst of the upheaval in the world of work caused by Corona, we searched for meaning - and found a mission. What started as a hobby in a time of change became a vision of a platform that goes far beyond the ordinary. After initial tough feedback that only made us stronger, today the beta version of Match Crowd is ready for your ideas and wishes. Let's get better together. Your feedback shapes the future of Match Crowd.

Innovative approach

Match Crowd goes beyond traditional job matching methods by focusing not only on professional qualifications, but also on personal values and preferences.

Born out of necessity

Inspired by the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, Match Crowd aims to adapt the labor market to the new normal, in which flexibility, working from home and work-life balance are becoming increasingly important.

What makes us unique

Match Crowd combines functionality with vision. Our minimalist MVP design stands for our innovative spirit - we prioritize performance and user feedback. Together with you, we continue to develop Match Crowd to create a platform that is both efficient, functional and aesthetically pleasing.

A sense of community

Inspired by the challenges of the Corona pandemic, Match Crowd aims to adapt the labor market to the new normal, where flexibility, home office and work-life balance are becoming increasingly important.

We cordially invite you to join our Discord community. There you can talk to our community about jobs, job searches, applications and much more. You also have the opportunity to provide feedback and benefit from the experiences of other members.

Join our Discord community!

The Match Crowd Team

Jan Oliver Britz

“My goal is to save time so that I can use it for the most important things.”

Robert Bogner

“Getting better every day and helping the people around me spurs me on.”

Tobias Schöllhammer

“I am committed to following our vision of finding everyone a job they love. As simple as possible and absolutely fair!”